by Cloudways | Apr 22, 2017 | “Pure-O” Symptoms, ERP, OCD, Scrupulosity
So this post is a bit different than my regular posts… Rather than discussing a specific aspect about OCD or anxiety, this post is a request for your assistance in completing an exposure. Here’s the background… I have a patient with scrupulosity...
by Cloudways | Feb 18, 2017 | “Pure-O” Symptoms, ERP, OCD, OCD - General
These are difficult times. Lately, it seems, each week brings with it something truly horrifying. A shooting or an act of terrorism, a hate crime committed against an individual, a disease that affects the unborn. You can hardly turn on the news without hearing about...
by Cloudways | Feb 12, 2017 | “Pure-O” Symptoms, Checking-Related Symptoms, OCD, Sexual Symptoms
Although ROCD is often characterized by intrusive worries about your relationship, relationship OCD treatment often specifically targets the compulsions and avoidance behaviors related to ROCD (rather than the obsessions themselves). This is because ROCD treatment is...
by Cloudways | Jan 29, 2017 | CBT, ERP, ERP Tips, OCD, OCD - General, OCD - Treatment, Treatments
In previous posts, I have discussed various aspects of the “OCD Cycle,” but it never hurts to have a quick refresher. After all, understanding how OCD works can help you see through its lies and help mobilize you to stand up and challenge it. What is OCD,...
by Cloudways | Jan 15, 2017 | “Pure-O” Symptoms, Checking-Related Symptoms, OCD, Sexual Symptoms
This multi-part series of posts will focus primarily on rOCD, also known as “relationship OCD.” Part 1 focused on obsessive thoughts that are common in rOCD. This part discusses other relationship OCD obsessions, including intrusive impulses and images....